Activating Public Space - An Approach for Climate Change Mitigation

The book "Activating Public Space" deals with the regeneration of the public realm from different points of view, with the main purpose of optimizing its social, functional, technological and energetic requirements.
Under this premise, the text aims at identifying intervention strategies that, in addition to satisfying the basic needs for fruitive, aesthetic and safety qualities, address the environmental copatibility for an outdoor comfort upgrade. For this purpose, the authors' group analyses different scales ranging from the global climate macroscale analysis, the mesoscale for the urban analysis and ultimately to the microscale for the local and pedestrian comfort analysis.
In light of the complex relationship between climatic, social and urban conditions, the text aims to enhance awareness on the urban requalification practices, and proposes interventions that address microclimate mitigation, urban resilience, process, and social innovations as an adaptive approach to compensate extreme heat waves and health risk conditions.
The present publication is resulting from the research conducted within the MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program 2018-19.
Editors: Battisti, Alessandra; Santucci, Daniele
Publisher: Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur
ISBN: 978-3-948278-08-3
DOI: 10.14459/1543270md2020