Urban Cosmopolitics – Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres

Invoking the notion of ‘cosmopolitics’ from Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers, this volume shows how and why cities constitute privileged sites for studying the search for and composition of common worlds of cohabitation. A cosmopolitical approach to the city focuses on the multiple assemblages of human and nonhuman actors that constitute urban common worlds, and on the conflicts and compromises that arise among different ways of assembling the city. It brings into view how urban worlds are always in the process of being subtly transformed, destabilized, decentred, questioned, criticized, or even destroyed. As such, it opens up novel questions as to the gradual and contested composition of urban life, thereby forcing us to pay more explicit attention to the politics of urban assemblages.
Urban Cosmopolitics – Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres
Edited by Anders Blok and Ignacio Farias
Questioning Cities Series
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
ISBN: 9781315748177