Studio einszueins

This book shows projects which were developed in the design studio 'einszueins' of visiting professor Philipp Eversmann (EPFL) and Philipp Molter (Chair of Technology and Design of Envelope structures) at the faculty of Architecture, TU Munich.
In the design of a building, visual and sensual material properties as well as performative criteria, integrated with the proper fabrica¬tion technology, can be taken as a starting point for architectural conception and construction. Research in the complex relationship between material, its treatment and its spatial function enables the development of a new vocabulary for architectural elements and spaces.
In the design studio 'einszueins' the envelope of a building is developed as a spatial and functional configuring element for the presentation of exhibition objects. During 2 consecutive semesters the design ideas are tested using the production of prototypes with the aim of realizing a full scale structure that can withstand weather forces. The collaboration with the internationally known facade contractor 'Seele' provides technical and conceptual support for the design work. The aim of the class is to give the students of the Chair of Envelope Structures a proper understanding of an integral design process characterized by a continuous logic from conception to realization using digital methods and tools.
Philipp Eversmann and Philipp Molter (Hg.)
Chair for Technology and Design of Building Envelopes, Munich 2013
Layout: Philipp Eversmann and Philipp Molter